Friday, July 22, 2005

Just a little faith

Today's cell group message is great. All we need now is just a little faith to move on isn't it? We don't need faith if everything is smooth sailing, so if we dun need to take out our faith, how then can we please God? If that is the case, i rather i face more situations that requires a lot of faith, because if the bible says so clearly that in order to please my heavenly Father, then show Him the faith! As we try to make our dreadful situations better, our lives better, our environment easier, we are also pleasing God a little bit lesser. I dun want that! Ofcos i wont purposely pray for undesirable calamities but should God allow trying moments to happen, so be it! I have the Faith!

In this week's FT1 lesson, brother bobby also preached on faith. That even the simplest thing like eating and sleeping requires faith! how true! do you eat wondering if it will nourish you or whenever you sleep you worry that you'll never wake up?

Everything needs faith! told one cell group friend we're going hiking next month. she said that i better not cos its very near the wedding date and if i should fall and break my bones...oh oh.... hmm... i have not thought about that part but oh well.... faith comes in again. I have faith that God will keep us safe and bless us with a great trip. i have faith that i wont even get any scratches. i have faith that the weather will be great. i have faith that nomatter what, it is God who decide and being my Father, He would give me nothing but the best.

The end of ourselves is the beginning of God. can you see that?


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