Saturday, July 02, 2005

Pray! People Pray!

Slept only 3 hours yesterday, i am literally like a zombie now and cell group later...well...i pray that i will be very much more alive than this! Well had to go school early today for Open House. It was quite fun and my Principal had me to follow him when he met up with a vendor. I consider it as a priviledge :) my student's mum did the Indian Henna for me...haha my first time doing such things! Cool!

Yesterday we stayed for prayer meeting. It was really dynamic! Can really feel Pastor Kong's burdens for the church and we all cried and kneeled and really prayed strong together. For once, we really felt like a family coming together to seek God. The hall became quite cold the moment we roared in desperations, i believe the Holy Spirit is moving in our midst. No words to describe. We need to pray, really need to pray... i strongly encourgage those who are not praying...start Praying!!!!


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